Africa Group
Africa is one of the world’s fastest growing emerging markets. It presents a great opportunity and great risk for players who must understand the terrain they are playing in or work with a partner who does. As a firm, we have a deep understanding of and passion for Africa and have worked with international and local clients in the public and private sectors.
Through a network of relationships we have built with law firms across the continent, we are able to provide our clients with the insight and advisory they need to make the right decisions and increase their regional and global impact.
Having advised individuals, corporates, governments, as well as multilateral institutions on major engagements that cut across all key sectors of major African economies, the firm has demonstrated its ability to assist its clients, as they move across the African continent.
With our presence across sub-Saharan Africa, through a network of related firms in Anglophone, Francophone, and Lusophone Africa, we enable our clients to cross the legal and geographic boundary lines that exist across the continent.
Our robust knowledge of the continent, coupled with deep long-standing relationships with regulators and the business community help us to deliver for some of our clients, a seamless transition from national to regional/continental players, and for some others, the steps toward establishing or strengthening their positions in one of the world’s fastest-growing markets.